Liquidation 2023: an overview of the main rules and restrictions

We will discuss how to close a business correctly, introduce you to the stages and terms of liquidation, and also share practical experience and give recommendations on how to successfully carry out this process, taking into account the trends of 2023.

August, 23th
12:00 - 13:30
Why is the topic relevant?

The complexities of the current situation may force companies and entrepreneurs to suspend or completely stop their business activities.

Voluntary liquidation of a company completely terminates the rights and obligations of a legal entity. This is a complex process, both from a legal and organizational point of view, that requires time and relevant experience.

Acsour experts will tell you how to properly close a business, introduce you to the stages and terms of liquidation, as well as share practical experience and give recommendations on how to carry out this procedure, taking into account the trends of 2023.


  • lubov kuznetsova
    head of legal department
  • ekaterina lyutenko
    internal auditor

Webinar program

August, 23th, wednesday
11:50 – 12:00

Registration of participants

12:00 – 12:05

Liquidation 2023: an overview of the main rules and restrictions

  • Why is the topic of liquidation still relevant? Review of judicial practice
  • Concept, causes, types of liquidation
  • Practical analysis of the process of preparing the liquidation of an LLC
  • Stages of LLC liquidation
  • Responsibility for violations of the liquidation procedure
  • What to do? step by step plan
13:00 – 13:25
13:25 – 13:30

End of the webinar

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