Our experts continuously monitor the market and have their own private base of leading experts in HR, bookkeeping and finance.

Acsour’s recruitment specialists will be happy to assist you with selecting professionals according to your requirements for both rank-and-file and senior positions. As a part of recruitment services Acsour provides assessment of the professional knowledge of specialists, which includes testing and an interview with an Acsour’s experts. The tests were developed by Acsour methodologists and allow us to objectively assess the level of preparation of candidates.
We offer
CV searching in Acsour’s database and using public resources
Interviews with selected candidates
Tax accoutning and accounting proficiency test
An interview with Acsour’s expert
Professional english language test
Logic testing
Acsour advantages
  • Integrated outsourcing


  • Qualified specialists and accumulated expertise

  • Insured professional risks
  • Integration with any corporate software
  • Access to data and documents 24/7
  • Personal manager to solve any issues
  • ISO 27001:2013 certification
  • ACCA Approved Employer
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