The Government of the Russian Federation in its Resolution approved a single limit base for calculating insurance premiums for 2023.
The amendments are associated with the approval of Federal Law No. 239-FZ dated July 14, 2022, which introduced significant changes in the procedure for calculating and paying insurance premiums. One of them is the unification of the work of the Pension Fund (PFR) and the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) into a Single social fund, as well as the establishment of a single limit on insurance premiums.
This figure will be determined by indexing the maximum amount of the base for calculating insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance (CPI), established from January 1, 2022, taking into account the increasing of average salary in the Russian Federation.
Starting from January 1 2023, the following limits on insurance premiums will be applied:
The amendments are associated with the approval of Federal Law No. 239-FZ dated July 14, 2022, which introduced significant changes in the procedure for calculating and paying insurance premiums. One of them is the unification of the work of the Pension Fund (PFR) and the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) into a Single social fund, as well as the establishment of a single limit on insurance premiums.
This figure will be determined by indexing the maximum amount of the base for calculating insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance (CPI), established from January 1, 2022, taking into account the increasing of average salary in the Russian Federation.
Starting from January 1 2023, the following limits on insurance premiums will be applied:
Acsour recommends using these limits for the purposes of drawing up 2021 budget.