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Electronic waybills

Legal Digest News
The Ministry of Transport has approved a new procedure for registration of waybills for cargo transport and light vehicles. Starting from March 1, 2023, the specified document can be drawn up in electronic form.

The new amendments are associated with the launch of the State Information System of Electronic Shipping Documents (SIS ESD) in September 2022, which made it possible to transfer a number of documents (letter of consignment, workshop order and others) into electronic format. Consequently, the electronic format of the waybill will also be part of such a system.

Registration of an electronic waybill is a right, not an obligation, since the possibility of drawing up a paper version of the document remains until March 1, 2029. The document is signed with an enhanced qualified or unqualified electronic signature, the verification key certificate of which is created and used on the State Services portal.

When correcting the information in the document, it will be necessary to apply the general procedure provided for electronic documents. It is allowed to issue a new electronic waybill, but with an indication that it was drawn up instead of the initial version. It is necessary to store an electronic waybill in the form of an electronic document without using a printed copy. The total retention period is 5 years.

It is prohibited to use its own electronic document format. It is expected that its mandatory form will have to be developed by the bodies of the Federal Tax Service.

In addition to the format, the procedure of registration of waybills has also changed.


Four new items have been added to the required details:

  • validity period of the waybill;
  • information about the person who has drawn up the waybill (name, principal state registration number (Russian acronym – OGRN), address and phone number – for companies);
  • information about the driver and vehicle (in addition to the driver's full name, it will be necessary to specify the series, number and date of issue of the driver's license);
  • type of transportation.

At the same time, two details were excluded from the list of mandatory ones: the name and the number of the waybill. However, in order to confirm and justify the expenses, the "name of the waybill" is recommended to be used.


The waybill should be drawn up by the owner of the vehicle (if the vehicle is rented – by the lessor) and before the release of vehicles on the road (now it is necessary to fill out the document before the start of the journey by the driver).


Under the new rules, it will be necessary to specify the date, time and odometer readings for each driver (now, in the case of registration of several waybills for one vehicle, the specified information should be entered in the waybill of the first driver when leaving the vehicle, and when the vehicle returns to the parking lot – in the waybill of the lattest driver).


The new rules do not require maintaining of the registration log of waybills. However, they directly indicate the need for registration of a log of the results of monitoring the technical condition of vehicles. It is required to enter data on the passage of pre-trip / pre-shift inspection.

Acsour carefully monitors these legislative changes and will inform you about the latest news on this topic.