
The right to grant loans to foreign persons until the end of 2022

2022-12-20 15:36 Legal Digest News
The Sub-Commission of the Government Commission for the Control of Foreign Investments in the Russian Federation has extended the term for granting loans to foreign companies.

Until December 31, 2022, residents - Russian companies can carry out foreign currency transactions associated with the provision of loans to foreign companies:

  • if it is not a resident of the country committing unfriendly actions against Russia, its legal entities and individuals. The list of such countries was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on March 5, 2022 No. 430-r
  • if it is under the control of a foreign company - resident in a "friendly" country, regardless of the place of registration or place of business activities.

Previously, it was possible to finance foreign companies under a loan agreement until October 1 of this year.

In the matters of interaction with foreign contractors and conducting loan operations, please contact Acsour experts.