
Acsour Results in 2023

2024-01-31 10:41 Legal Digest News
The past year has been another inexhaustible source of#nbsp;energy and inspiration for#nbsp;us. It#nbsp;was a#nbsp;time of#nbsp;change and new discoveries, a#nbsp;period of#nbsp;opportunity and decisive action.

It#nbsp;has been another great year for Acsour. Our team used this year as#nbsp;another chance to#nbsp;demonstrate their professionalism. We#nbsp;are pleased to#nbsp;note that we#nbsp;continue to#nbsp;grow and develop in#nbsp;the outsourcing services market.

Summing up, we#nbsp;are proud to#nbsp;share the following results:

Acsour continues to#nbsp;show an#nbsp;increase in#nbsp;revenue: we#nbsp;recorded an#nbsp;increase from 5% to#nbsp;28% in#nbsp;the main areas.

Our clients' data is#nbsp;still securely protected: the company has successfully passed an#nbsp;audit for compliance with ISO/IEC 27 001:2013 standard.

Responding to#nbsp;the requests of#nbsp;our clients, in#nbsp;2023 we launched 5 new services, including our own development: a#nbsp;Telegram bot for solving#nbsp;HR tasks.

By#nbsp;the end of#nbsp;2023, Acsour’s#nbsp;IT department supports 400 databases and supports about 50 services for the stable operation of#nbsp;the company and clients.

Acsour Law Practice became the leader of#nbsp;the "Pravo-300" rating, entering the top five companies in#nbsp;5 categories: foreign economic activity, labor and migration law, corporate law, arbitration proceedings, tax law.

The employees of#nbsp;the legal department prepared 118 corporate documents and provided more than 20 opinions in#nbsp;the areas of#nbsp;tax, corporate, labor law, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;legislation in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;personal data and sanctions restrictions.

In#nbsp;the past 2023, our specialists from the accounting services department submitted 686 reports and reimbursed value-added tax in#nbsp;the amount of#nbsp;21,867,829 rubles.

Experts of#nbsp;the#nbsp;HR administration department employed 1,531 specialists, issued 10 986 vacations and sent employees of#nbsp;client companies on#nbsp;a#nbsp;business trip 4,633 times.

There were 20 events and presentations by#nbsp;Acsour experts, at#nbsp;each of#nbsp;which we#nbsp;shared our experience on#nbsp;complex cases.

Acsour experts have reviewed more than 70 legislative news, and we#nbsp;have shared this information with you in#nbsp;19 newsletters.

Traditionally, Acsour continues to#nbsp;be#nbsp;among the leaders of#nbsp;the outsourcing services market according to#nbsp;the RAEX rating.

Each indicator hides a#nbsp;lot of#nbsp;work of#nbsp;our team. We#nbsp;are pleased to#nbsp;note that we#nbsp;are continuing the path of#nbsp;development and innovation. We#nbsp;would like to#nbsp;express our special gratitude to#nbsp;our clients for their trust and to#nbsp;our partners for their support. Thank you for being with us, there are new achievements ahead of#nbsp;us.