
Inspections of IT companies on compliance with the requirements of antimonopoly legislation

2024-04-03 10:37 Legal Digest News
The Government of#nbsp;the Russian Federation has decided to#nbsp;lift the moratorium on#nbsp;unscheduled inspections of#nbsp;accredited#nbsp;IT companies in#nbsp;order to#nbsp;comply with antimonopoly legislation.

Since March 28, 2024, the territorial bodies of#nbsp;the Federal Antimonopoly Service have been given the right to#nbsp;carry out unscheduled control measures against#nbsp;IT companies in#nbsp;cases where there are signs:

  • monopolistic activity of#nbsp;the organization that owns the digital platform, that is, the presence of#nbsp;actions that limit competition;
  • anti-competitive agreements of#nbsp;companies (including the presence of#nbsp;signs of#nbsp;cartels);
  • illegal agreements or#nbsp;actions with government agencies;
  • non-compliance with the requirements for bidding, request for quotations of#nbsp;prices for goods, request for proposals.

For more information about each feature, see Articles 10.1, 11, 16, 17 of#nbsp;the Federal Law № 135 "On Protection of#nbsp;Competition".

At#nbsp;the same time, planned control (supervisory) measures and inspections are not carried out until the end of#nbsp;2024, and preventive measures in#nbsp;the form of#nbsp;counseling, information, self-examination are not prohibited and can be#nbsp;carried out by#nbsp;regulatory authorities if#nbsp;necessary.

For compliance with the requirements of#nbsp;antimonopoly legislation, please contact Acsour experts.