The Government of the Russian Federation has decided to lift the moratorium on unscheduled inspections of accredited IT companies in order to comply with antimonopoly legislation.
Since March 28, 2024, the territorial bodies of the Federal Antimonopoly Service have been given the right to carry out unscheduled control measures against IT companies in cases where there are signs:
monopolistic activity of the organization that owns the digital platform, that is, the presence of actions that limit competition;
anti-competitive agreements of companies (including the presence of signs of cartels);
illegal agreements or actions with government agencies;
non-compliance with the requirements for bidding, request for quotations of prices for goods, request for proposals.
For more information about each feature, see Articles 10.1, 11, 16, 17 of the Federal Law № 135 "On Protection of Competition".
At the same time, planned control (supervisory) measures and inspections are not carried out until the end of 2024, and preventive measures in the form of counseling, information, self-examination are not prohibited and can be carried out by regulatory authorities if necessary.
For compliance with the requirements of antimonopoly legislation, please contact Acsour experts.