
New changes in the rules for the exchange of tax information with foreign countries

2024-01-15 12:51 Legal Digest News
The Federal Tax Service has updated the list of#nbsp;foreign states and territories that do#nbsp;not provide for the exchange of#nbsp;tax information with the Russian Federation.

The specified list was approved by#nbsp;Order of#nbsp;the Federal Tax Service dated December 1, 2023 No. ED-7−17/914 and supplemented by#nbsp;the following countries:

  • Germany;
  • Latvia;
  • Switzerland;
  • Ukraine.
  • United Kingdom of#nbsp;Great Britain and Northern Ireland;
  • USA;

Countries such as#nbsp;Antigua and Barbuda, Vanuatu, Ghana, Grenada, Maldives, Oman, Peru, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;the territories of#nbsp;Curacao and the Cook Islands were excluded from the list.

Taking into account the changes, the number of#nbsp;countries in#nbsp;the list is#nbsp;88 (previously 89), and territories#nbsp;— 14 (previously 16).

The presence of#nbsp;a#nbsp;country on#nbsp;such a#nbsp;list entails tax consequences for Russian tax residents. Since in#nbsp;the absence of#nbsp;a#nbsp;country in#nbsp;such a#nbsp;list, the profit of#nbsp;the same controlled foreign company is#nbsp;exempt from taxation if#nbsp;its permanent location is#nbsp;a#nbsp;state with which Russia has an#nbsp;international tax treaty.

The Federal Tax Service also issued Order No. ED-7−17/915 dated December 1, 2023, which approved a#nbsp;list of#nbsp;states that allow systematic non-fulfillment of#nbsp;obligations for the automatic exchange of#nbsp;country reports.

As#nbsp;a#nbsp;general rule, international groups of#nbsp;companies are required to#nbsp;submit an#nbsp;annual country report for the previous financial year. International groups of#nbsp;companies' participants may not submit this report if#nbsp;the parent company of#nbsp;international groups of#nbsp;companies reports in#nbsp;one of#nbsp;the countries with which the Federal Tax Service has established an#nbsp;automatic exchange of#nbsp;such reports. For these purposes, the regulatory authorities maintained an#nbsp;up-to-date list of#nbsp;countries with which country reports were automatically exchanged.

However, since the publication of#nbsp;the new Order, the automatic exchange of#nbsp;country reports will continue, but at#nbsp;the same time, systematic non-fulfillment of#nbsp;obligations under such an#nbsp;exchange is#nbsp;allowed. The specified list includes 21 States, namely:

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Cyprus
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden

At#nbsp;the same time, the Russian participants of#nbsp;the international groups of#nbsp;companies, whose parent companies are located in#nbsp;the states included in#nbsp;the new Order, have additional obligations to#nbsp;the Federal Tax Service of#nbsp;Russia, namely, the submission of#nbsp;a#nbsp;country report at#nbsp;the request of#nbsp;the Federal Tax Service.

To#nbsp;fulfill such a#nbsp;requirement, taxpayers will need to#nbsp;prepare and submit a#nbsp;Country Report in#nbsp;a#nbsp;timely manner (no#nbsp;later than three months from the date of#nbsp;receipt of#nbsp;the request) in#nbsp;electronic format in#nbsp;accordance with the requirements for the preparation of#nbsp;an#nbsp;XML schema of#nbsp;a#nbsp;country report established by#nbsp;Order of#nbsp;the Federal Tax Service of#nbsp;Russia dated March 6, 2018 No. MMV-7−17/123.

For failure to#nbsp;submit a#nbsp;country report or#nbsp;submission of#nbsp;a#nbsp;document containing inaccurate or#nbsp;erroneous information, liability under Article 129.10 of#nbsp;the Tax Code of#nbsp;the Russian Federation in#nbsp;the amount of#nbsp;1,000,000 rubles is#nbsp;provided.

For questions about the preparation and provision of#nbsp;documentation of#nbsp;the international groups of#nbsp;companies, please contact Acsour experts.