
Getting information from the electronic sick list: machine-readable power of attorney required

2024-05-01 14:24 Legal Digest News
The Social Fund of#nbsp;Russia reported that since May 1, 2024, authorized representatives of#nbsp;organizations lost the opportunity to#nbsp;receive information from electronic hospital lists under paper powers of#nbsp;attorney.

This means that organizations acting on#nbsp;behalf of#nbsp;another company on#nbsp;the basis of#nbsp;a#nbsp;power of#nbsp;attorney will be#nbsp;able to#nbsp;work with electronic hospitals only on#nbsp;the basis of#nbsp;a#nbsp;machine-readable power of#nbsp;attorney, and a#nbsp;paper power of#nbsp;attorney, from the specified date, is#nbsp;no#nbsp;longer applicable.

To#nbsp;work with other forms of#nbsp;documents of#nbsp;the Social Fund of#nbsp;Russia, including documents on#nbsp;proactive payments (for example, maternity benefits, child care, and so#nbsp;on), it#nbsp;will be#nbsp;possible to#nbsp;use paper powers of#nbsp;attorney only until July 1 of#nbsp;this year.

Please note that if#nbsp;an#nbsp;authorized representative of#nbsp;an#nbsp;organization uses an#nbsp;electronic digital signature of#nbsp;an#nbsp;employee, then he#nbsp;will also need to#nbsp;issue an#nbsp;electronic digital signature of#nbsp;an#nbsp;individual and a#nbsp;machine-readable power of#nbsp;attorney to#nbsp;work with an#nbsp;electronic disability certificate.

If#nbsp;the company does not have an#nbsp;authorized representative in#nbsp;the person of#nbsp;another legal entity, and it#nbsp;reports to#nbsp;the Social Fund of#nbsp;Russia with an#nbsp;employee certificate, then these changes do#nbsp;not apply to#nbsp;it#nbsp;— it#nbsp;can work as#nbsp;before, until August 31, 2024. Further, employee certificates will cease to#nbsp;be#nbsp;valid and you will need to#nbsp;obtain a#nbsp;certificate from an#nbsp;individual and a#nbsp;machine-readable power of#nbsp;attorney.

We#nbsp;remind you that from September 1, 2023, it#nbsp;became prohibited to#nbsp;issue employee certificates for companies. Now it#nbsp;is#nbsp;necessary to#nbsp;issue an#nbsp;electronic digital signature of#nbsp;an#nbsp;individual and a#nbsp;machine-readable power of#nbsp;attorney. At#nbsp;the same time, if#nbsp;the company has issued electronic digital signatures of#nbsp;an#nbsp;employee, then:

  • until August 31, 2024, employees can sign documents according to#nbsp;the old rules#nbsp;— using an#nbsp;employee’s electronic digital signature and issuing a#nbsp;paper notarized power of#nbsp;attorney
  • switch to#nbsp;a#nbsp;new procedure for signing documents.

For questions about the application of#nbsp;legislation in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;digital signature and the organization of#nbsp;the process of#nbsp;signing electronic documents, please contact Acsour specialists. Our colleagues will help you with the registration of#nbsp;powers of#nbsp;attorney and will carry out these procedures without risk to#nbsp;your business.