On August 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree "On providing humanitarian support to people who share traditional Russian spiritual and moral values." Acsour experts reviewed the new decree and found out what kind of assistance it is, what values are traditional and why the law is really important for citizens.
Presidential Decree: goals and main definitions
The new decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 08/19/2024 No. 702 "On providing humanitarian support to persons sharing traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" was adopted in order to implement state policy on the preservation and strengthening of traditional values. It is assumed that the decree will contribute to the multiplication of the people of Russia and the protection of Russian society from the spread of destructive illiberal ideology.
The text of the law also highlights its purpose of "protecting fundamental human rights and freedoms, supporting people who have made a free choice in favor of spiritual, cultural and legal ties with the Russian Federation."
Acsour experts note that the definition of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values is given in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 9, 2022 No. 809 “On Approval of the Foundations of State Policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.” Аccording to this law, traditional values include:
human life, dignity, rights and freedoms
service to the Fatherland and responsibility for its fate
high moral ideals
strong family
creative work
priority of the spiritual over the material
mutual assistance and mutual
respect historical memory and continuity of generations
unity of the peoples of Russia.
Moreover, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Foreign Ministry to identify a list of countries pursuing a policy of imposing neoliberal values that contradict traditional Russian ones, the corresponding decree is posted on the website of the official publication of legal acts.
New decree: what changes have taken place?
According to the current decree, foreign citizens will be able to apply for a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation without
accounting for the approved quota
submitting a document confirming proficiency in the Russian language and the necessary knowledge about the history of Russia and the basics of Russian legislation.
The reason for such an appeal may be the rejection of the policy of the country in which they were born (or live), "imposing destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes" that contradict "traditional Russian spiritual and moral values." According to the new decree, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia is obliged to issue single-entry visas to applicants for a period of three months.
Thus, the entry into force of this law ensures that foreigners who disagree with the policies of their countries in the field of spiritual and moral values receive a temporary residence permit in Russia under a simplified scheme. Acsour experts note that the Russian authorities consider the decree as humanitarian aid aimed at protecting human rights and freedoms.
Acsour experts note that this Decree is of great importance both for the country's social policy and for migration: our specialists have extensive experience in this field and will be happy to advise you on any questions that arise.