
New changes in the field of military registration

2023-08-15 15:05 Legal Digest Articles
There have been significant changes in Russian legislation regarding military registration and enlistment. Read the article below to learn more details on these changes and how they will affect employers working with military personnel.


Starting August 5th, 2023, information on citizens subject to military registration upon hiring or dismissal must be provided using an updated form.

In the new version of the document, it is no longer necessary to provide information on the military registration specialty of the military officer and his year of birth. Instead, the report should include the following:

  • employee passport series and number;
  • Personal Insurance Policy Number;
  • full date of birth.

When filling out the form, use the template from Appendix No. 2 of Resolution No. 1211 approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Information should be submitted to the military enlistment office within 5 working days from the date of the personnel decision (previously the period was 14 days).


Starting August 5th, the placement and removal from military registration, as well as changes to military registration documents, can be carried out without the personal appearance of citizens subject to registration (with the exception of citizens with the rank of "officer" and those in reserve of the Russian Military Intelligence Service).

Now the procedure is carried out in electronic form using the state information resources. Notifications are sent to the citizens via their personal account on the Gosuslugi portal.

A paper summons for verification of information or documents of military registration can be sent to citizens who were registered without personal attendance. In this case, the employer must deliver such summons to the employee no later than 3 days before the appointed date of appearance at the enlistment office.


Starting August 4th, it is limited to terminate fixed-term employment contracts with employees who:

  • have been called up for military service as part of a partial mobilization;
  • have concluded a contract for military service in accordance with clause 7 of Article 38 of the Federal Law No. 53-FZ;
  • have concluded a contract for voluntary assistance in fulfilling tasks assigned to the Russian Armed Forces.

A number of suspended fixed-term contracts concluded by agreement of the parties must be resumed upon the employee's return to work. The duration of the resumption is equal to the remaining term of the contract on the day it was suspended.

Exceptions are provided for the following categories of employees:

  • retirees of retirement age, as well as individuals whose health allows only temporary work;
  • hired for emergency work (preventing disasters, accidents, etc.);
  • individuals receiving full-time education;
  • crew members and part-time workers.

In these cases, contracts can be terminated if the term expired during the suspension period.


Starting October 1st, a law comes into force that tightens administrative responsibility for employers who violate the legislation on military registration. The extent of liability depends on the type of violation. Details of the upcoming changes are reflected in the table below.
Type of offence Penalties (until 01.10.2023) Penalties (starting 01.10.2023 года)
Failure to provide military commissariats when announcing mobolization: • failure to fulfil the obligation to ensure timely notification and the appearance of citizens subject to conscription for service as part of mobilization; • failure to fulfil the obligation to organize or ensure the supply of equipment to assembly points or military units Infliction of a fine (only for violations due to untimely notification and appearance at the military registration and enlistment office): • for officials – 40 000-50 000 rubles; • for legal entities – 350 000-400 000 rubles Infliction of a fine: • for officials –60 000-80 000 rubles; • for legal entities – 400 000-500 000 rubles
Failure to notify citizens about their summons to military commissariat Infliction of a fine: • for officials – 1 000-3 000 rubles Infliction of a fine: • for officials – 40 000-50 000 rubles; • for legal entities – 350 000-400 000 rubles
Failure to provide lists of citizens subject to initial registration Infliction of a fine: • for officials – 1 000-3 000 rubles Infliction of a fine: • for officials - 40 000-50 000 rubles; • for legal entities – 350 000-400 000 rubles
Failure to provide or untimely submission of information necessary for maintaining military records Infliction of a fine: • for officials – 1 000-3 000 rubles Infliction of a fine: • for officials – 40 000-50 000 rubles

We remind you that the maintenance of military records is the responsibility of each company, which is carried out in relation to:

  • citizens of draft age - men from 18 to 27 years old without a document with the entry "recognized as unfit for military service";
  • citizens liable for military service - men in the reserve (dismissed from military service, over 27 years old and who have not completed military service by conscription due to a deferment or not called up for it, graduates of military universities, etc.) and women (having a military specialty).

When applying for a job, the relevant citizens are asked for a number of documents, including a military ID or a conscript's certificate. Based on the information received, the company keeps records of such an employee in its internal documents and reports on them to the military registration and enlistment offices.

For military registration, please contact Acsour specialists.